PC Format (PL) 2013 August
x-mouse button control 25
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519 lines
Version 2.5
#129 - Removed short delay when using scroll window up or down
#131 - Fixed problems with Dvorak keyboard layouts
#133 - Fixed crash when opening a language pack with the advanced settings tabs already open!
#137 - Removed short delay when using mouse wheel dropdown options
#138 - Changed the version checking so it actually fires when requested, even if PC is left
on or hibernated. Previously it only ever check when you launched XMBC!
#139 - Fixed problem introduced in Beta 1 with Close (ALT F4) and a few other commands.
#141 - Fixed problems when using High DPI on Vista/7
#142 - Modified Advanced scrolling to detect if CTRL is held down so it sends default scroll
messages for ZOOM support.
#143 - Fixed problem with sticky "change movement to scroll" being reset when CTRL was
pressed (CTRL and scroll is zoom so should not reset when CTRL is pressed,
even with "Reset on any key" ticked).
#144 - Added /layer:X command line option to start on/switch to specified layer.
#145 - Fixed spelling mistake in language file (and GUI) reported by Liquid. Increased width
of "Delay between simulated keystrokes" GUI element.
Change 'Restore desktop icon &layout' text to fix translation conflict with context menu.
#146 - Added CONTROL+Click on the tray icon to "quick open" the profile folder.
#150 - Added option to change layers by left clicking the system tray icon!
#152 - Fix horizontal scrolling in explorer using method 1 by default!
#138 - Improved the version checking routine so it actually checks at the correct interval
even if PC & XMBC is left running.
Added language example/template file to the installation so it is always up to date!
Verison 2.4
#95 Add ability to translate XMBC to other languages. A new file type *.xmbclp is used to provide translations.
#96 Added sticky change movement to scroll action.
#97 Fixed problem with erratic mouse when left click is reassigned, noticed in Windows 7 snipping tool
but I think also related to other eratic reports (like in bug #75)
#98 Added option to invert horizontal scrolling
#99 Added option to configure default delays used in simulated keystrokes in the advance settings tab
(this is not related to {WAIT}/{WAITMS} tags).
#100 Converted the application to use Unicode strings internally to support future work to
include language selection.
#102 Added ability to save/restore Windows 7 desktop gadget positions when saving/restoring desktop icon positions.
#103 Added option to adjust/specify CPU priority.
#105 Modified to reset sticky buttons on key press as well as any button (when general setting enabled)
NOTE: In the future I intend to make this a separate setting (for keys and buttons).
#106 Added check-box to only match windows profiles if the window has no parent.
#109 Fixed chrome/iron web drop-down/combo box scrolling
#110 Fixed problem with BACK/FORWARD (APPCOMMAND keys) in Remote Desktop sessions.
#112 Added extra debugging and error handling to layer modifier key hook.
#117 Installer does not remember previous installation path.
NOTE: This will only apply AFTER installing 2.4 beta 8 or later.
#120 Added Author and Description flags to language pack files so translators can be credited in the GUI.
#121 Fixed long standing bug with WAIT and WAITMS which were broken in v2.0.
This has an impact on any simulated keystroke macros. I have introduced {HOLD} and {HOLDMS} tags
which allow you to customize specify the time the following key is held down for and reverted WAIT
and WAITMS to their previous function of a delay between keys in a sequence.
#122 Fixed detection of custom window profiles introduced in Beta 10.
#123 Added new simulated keystroke action: "As mouse button is pressed & when released"
#124 Add "Same as layer 1" default option for layers 2-5.
#125 Actions in dropdown are only displayed if applicable to current operating system.
#126 Fixed bug which prevented activation of profiles if the process name was not all lower case!
#127 Modified version check to use a DNS query instead of a WWW query, also check for beta updates.
.... Misc performance improvments, debug logging & fixes to new features introduced during the beta stage.
Thanks to everyone that helped in the beta testing of v2.4 and to all those providing language translation packs!
Verison 2.3
#74 Fixed a problem causing the active profile not to be highlighted in the setup window.
#77 Fixed problem with "Scroll window under cursor" when tooltip windows popped up and blocked scrolling.
#78 Added new simulated keystroke commands for toggling the state of num lock, caps lock & scroll lock:
#79 Fixed problem with simulated keystrokes RSHIFT, RCTRL and RALT in during/Sticky mode.
#80 Installer deletes old files before replacing with new ones (for easy downgrade in the future).
#81 Fixed problem not finding process/windows because the name was in the wrong case in the settings.
#82: Fixed case sensitivity problem when highlighting profiles in setup dialog.
#83: Fixed problem with minimize actions not working as expected.
#84: Added window handle to window finder dialog.
#85: Modified repeat detection to handle messages 0ms apart.
#86: Reduced calls to GetProcessName to try and optimize the code.
#87: Added Windows Key and Apps key to the dropdown selection of layer modifer keys.
#88: Added a message to the setup screen when disabled via scroll lock or remote desktop (#90).
#89: Added "Sticky Left button (Click Drag) X Axis" and "Sticky Left button (Click Drag) Y Axis".
#90: Added option to disable XMBC when connected via RDP (remote desktop).
#91: Added "Change movement to scroll" option (universal scroll?).
#93: Fixed {SPACE} tag does not work in simkeys (during mode).
... Misc fixes and performance improvements including extra error and debug logging.
Thanks to everyone that helped in the beta testing of v2.3!
Verison 2.2
#29 Modified code to allow the user to configure how frequently XMBC checks for updates.
#68 Fixed bug introduced in v2.1 that broke the "Invert mouse wheel" scrolling option.
#72 Fixed problem with simulated keystrokes using the WAIT and WAITMS tags.
#73 Fixed problem with de-bounce horizontal mouse wheel settings.
Thanks to everyone that helped in the beta testing of v2.2!
Verison 2.1
#42 Fixed simulated keys for page up / page down in internet explorer.
#43 Fixed misc. spelling errors.
#44 Fixed Tilt button not working if another button is held down.
#45 Fixed ability to simulate brackes {} in simulated keystrokes.
#46 Fixed scroll window under cursor for Visual Studio 2010.
#46 Added new scroll method (5) for scrolling some WPF windows such as Visual Studio 2010.
#47 Fixed high CPU usage when moving mouse along desktop boundaries.
#49 Fixed simulated keystrokes for {LEFT}, {RIGHT} etc. in during mode.
#50 Fixed some simulated keys sending the wrong scan code such as {LWIN}{HOME}.
#52 Fixed GUI errors with "Launch Application" and "Open Explorer" custom actions.
#54 Added simulated keys for switching layers {LAYER:x}, although not recommended in daily use!
#55 Fixed error with scroll pages when disabling XMBC.
#56 Fixed thread priority which was not being set high enough.
#57 Added ability to use advanced scrolling with application specific profiles.
#58 Fixed problems finding the correct window under the cursor in some cases.
#59 Fixed setup dialog so it correctly highlights the profile under the cursor.
#61 Fixed (ignored) "Only send when active" for simulated keystrokes in default profile.
#63 Fixed Tilt window under cursor not working correctly.
#64 Updated user manual to include informaion relevant to version 2.1
#65 Modified install kit to wait longer for processes to terminate when upgrading.
#66 Fixed simulated keys sequence (more than one key) not working as expected in during mode.
Thanks to everyone that helped in the beta testing of v2.1!
Verison 2.0
Added custom profile support for individual windows as well as the existing application profile support.
Added ability to switch profiles when the the mouse is over the target window.
Added edit buton to edit the selected profile name/window.
Added global option to enable hover activation.
Added ability in the window finder dialog to find a window just by moving the mouse over it.
Added IMPORT/EXPORT of XMBC profiles.
Added context menu on the profile list to allow access to import, export and various other profile actions.
Added file associations to auto-import settings files when opening them in explorer.
Added IPC to communicate better between XMBC instances to support import by opening setting file in explorer.
Added proper multithreading support for the mouse hooks to improve performance and response.
Added reset button to the layer tabs.
Added option to show/hide layer balloon notifications.
Added ability to use default windows keyboard repeat delay and speed for repeated sim-keys (set delay to 0).
Added new button configuration options 'Activate Screensaver' & 'Activate Monitor Powersaving'.
Added ability to set buttons to "same as default" in custom profiles profiles.
Added sticky-hold simulated keystroke option.
Added sticky button 4 and button 5 actions to complete the sticky buttons collection.
Added ability to allow the WAIT delays in simulated keystrokes to apply between modifier and key eg. {CTRL}{WAITMS50}A
Added global option to reset sticky buttons (and sticky keys) by pressing any other mouse button.
Added userguide in installation. Thanks to MainTrane for the help writing the documentation.
Added confirmation on close when configuration has changed and not been applied.
Major GUI overhaul and update to support new functionality and improve useability.
Modified the code to open the setup window when another instance on XMBC is run (ie. from Start menu).
Fixed mouse lockup during version check with some firewall software (ZoneAlarm, NOD32 etc.).
Fixed some spelling mistakes and other typos.
Fixed GUI tab order in several dialogs.
Fixed errors in sticky mouse button code.
Fixed bug when scroll wheel is assigned to button presses.
** I'd like to thank all those, especially MainTrane, who helped out in the beta testing for this major update. **
Version 1.53
Added ability to provide a user defined name for each layers (in each profile).
Added some more debug logging.
Added global hotkeys to toggle locking of the X an dY axes.
Added test button to scroll window configuration to test on the fly changes.
Added new icon - thanks to Pavel Kiselev for the initial design.
Added ability to load icons dynamically from files (in same folder as executable) (See FAQ for details)
Added OPTIONAL check for new verison, which will run once a month (the first time XMBC is run in the current month).
Added ability to specify negative scroll values on windows scrolling tab (reverses scroll direction)
Fixed some spelling mistakes.
Fixed PRINT SCREEN dropdown option.
Fixed bug when XMouseButtonControl.exe was added as an applicaiton profile.
Fixed inverted spin controls on windows scrolling tab.
Fixed double scroll lines in some windows with method 1.
Fixed bug in scrolling methods where the parent window class was specified.
Fixed/Changed behaviour of the global hotkey and layer modifier key tabs (always visible).
Fixed bug causing primary (layer 1) icon to dissapear occasionally.
Fixed scroll window methods default & disable.
Fixed scroll window scroll multiplers for default/mouse wheel methods.
Fixed bug in "Restore" option which was maximizing not restoring!
Fixed error with volume and several other simulated keystrokes.
Fixed small memory leak when switching between layers in the settings.
Fixed a bug causing layer modifiers to not work properly with simluated keystrokes.
Version 1.52
Added more debugging, including Windows 7 hook timeout value.
Added support for distinguishing between left and right extended keys in simulated keystrokes (e.g. LSHIFT/RSHIFT)
Added Ignore Numlock for simulated keys option, to always send the numeric keypad keys, even if numlock is off.
Added TILT LEFT/RIGHT actions to send a tilt message to windows.
Added SCROLL UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT actions to scroll the active window (or the window under the cursor if enabled).
Fixed print screen simulated keystroke.
Added notification balloon for layer change events, disable events, desktop icon events.
Select profile in setup dialog when specific application is activated.
Further modifications to the scrolling support.
Added scrolling tweak configuration in advanced settings dialog. This allows you to configure how
individual windows are scrolled, even if they are old applicaitons and dont nativly support the
scroll wheel.
Added support for axis locking. NOTE. You must enable modifier keys to then enable and configure axis locking
modifiers per application profiles.
Added configurable mouse whell scroll lines for app specific profiles.
Fixed bug in service launcher when not running for the default location (c:\program files)
Version 1.51
Added "Double Click Drag" action.
Fixed bug causing buttons to stop responding in Windows Vista/7 on a standard user
account with UAC enabled. Note. Under some circumstances the defual button action may
be applied as well as the remapped action - only during switch between UAC to non UAC window.
Fixed errors in service launcher that cased XMBC to be called more than once, which had the
side effect of forcing the icon to be shown, even if "Show icon by default" was not checked.
Fixed simulated keystrokes which were not working correctly in some circumstances, for
example, {LWIN}{SHIFT}{RIGHT} and is some applications (VMWare, maybe some games).
Fixed hardcoded commands that sent keys (like Copy (CTRL+C), Paste (CTRL+V) etc.) as in 1.50.5
Write more error information to the windows even log when the service encounters an error.
Version 1.50
Added mouse wheel and tilt commands {MWUP} {MWDN} {TILTL} {TILTR} to simulated keystrokes.
Changed "delay" spinner on simulated keystrokes to accept up to 300,000ms (5 mins).
Added an option to always swap the 4th and 5th mouse buttons.
Added layer modifier keys (like global hotkeys except the layer is swicthed only
while the key is held down.
Added ability to ignore mouse button messages when over the non-client area of a
window, for example, the title bar (NOTE: this is experimental and not enabled by
default; it may slow down responses a little when enabled).
Several miscellaneous bug fixes.
Version 1.49
Layer support (up to 5 configuraitons accessable via hotkeys/button combo's)
Change the GUI to support layers and moved the settings to a seperate dialog.
Added optional global hotkey support for several XMBC operations.
Added debounce/throttling settings for tilt wheel, to try and control the repeat messages of the tilt wheel.
Removed old disable XMBC "hotkey"/mouse action as its now configurable along with the other hotkeys.
Added ability to open a selected folder, and open some default folders (computer, documents,
network, control panel)
Added ability to scroll windows that do not respond to the usual windows scroll messages,
currently configured manually in settings file. One day I will have a GUI to do that!
Fixed some bugs causing the mouse hook creation to fail.
Fixed bug causing tray icon to sometimes not show.
Modified service launcher to retry if the launch fails.
Version 1.48.1
Fixed desktop icon saving (removed a hard coded test variable!) - DOH!
Version 1.48
General release. No functional changes from 1.47.8 other than the version number.
Version 1.47.8 (Internal build)
Added a configuration page to the installer, allowing you to specify a custom path to
store the settings file
Modified the code to better detect the active application (for example Warcraft/WoW.exe)
Version 1.47.7 (Internal build)
Added sticky (toggle) simulated keystrokes
Version 1.47.6 (Internal build)
Changed layout of the simulated keystroke dialog.
Added ability to customise the delay between repeated simulated keystrokes.
Version 1.47.4 (Internal build)
Fixed some problems with icon save/restore & added more logging to this area of the application.
Added a clear settings option to the installer finish page (not enabled by default).
Version 1.47.2 (Internal build)
Added new Add application specific dialog which lists the running applications to create a new profile for.
Version 1.47.1 (Internal build)
Fixed a bug with the mouse wheel over, causing it to break certain features of Explorer (and the desktop)
such as resizing of icons using CTRL+Mouse wheel. Now, If the CTRL key is down, the mouse wheel will
be sent to the active window.
Fixed a bug in simulated keystrokes where the modifier key was not released after the preceding key (it
stays down even though the description in the simulated keystrokes editor says that this is not the case.
Fixed a bug with simulated keystrokes 'during' which did not release the mouse buttons
when using {LMB}, {RMB}, {MMB}
Added a registry setting (for al users in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) to change the default location of the settings file
NOTE: I will try and modify the setup to allow you to choose this location during installation.
Added a global "hotkey" {Left Control + Left ALT + right mouse button double click} to disable/enable.
(Usefull if you accidentally set your left button to something that makes it impossible to use the mouse)!
Version 1.47
General release. No changes from 1.46.9 other than the version number.
Version 1.46.9: (Internal build)
Added new simulated keys: VOL+, VOL-, MUTE, PAUSE, EXT: (which allows you to specify
any "virtual key" code you like!).
Fixed bug causing single simulated key presses to fail in FEAR2 (and other games).
Please use the "During" option in Simulated Keystrokes.
Version 1.46.5: (Internal build)
Added option to make the mouse scroll wheel scroll the window under the mouse cursor.
Changed the installation to use the Nullsoft Installer System.
This is much faster and means I can have a single (small) distribution for both
x86 and x64 versions.
Undone the addition of the {CLEAR} keystroke tag which was not suitable as modifier keys
only apply to the following key anyway.
Modified the simulated mouse button presses to fire a DOWN + UP message in one go, ie a button click.
Added {WAITMS<n>} simulated keystroke to add a delay specified in milliseconds instead of seconds (with{WAIT<n>})
Version 1.46:
Fixed a bug in 1.45 that broke application specific simulated keystrokes.
Version 1.45:
Fixed the Save/Restore desktop icons in Windows 7 (rc)
Added a 'Disable' option on the context menu. This completely disables the mouse hook when ticked.
Modifed the text in the GUI slightly.
Modifed Simulated keystrokes to allow the user to have more control over when the keystrokes
are pressed and released
Added a {CLEAR} keystroke tag to reset any modifier keys (CTRL}, {ALT}, {SHIFT} etc.
Version 1.44:
Fixed a bug in the setup dialog causing the simulated keystorkes (and launch appliation) for RIGHT-X
to use the settings from Scroll WheelDown instead of its own setting.
Fixed a bug with simulated keystrokes where a key sequence with multiple characters (eg. 'hello' is not
sent correctly because the same "keydown" is sent twice without a "keyup" in between.
Fixed bug causing /NoLog commandline option to be ignored and setting in the config file used always.
Version 1.43:
Fixed installation error on Windows 2000/XP/2003.
Added /NoLog commandline and 'hidden' configuration option to disable all logging.
Version 1.42:
Added ability to configure the wheel up/down action.
Fixed some actions like "Copy (CTRL+C)" that use keyboard shortcuts and
did not work when a non-english keyboard was installed.
Version 1.41:
Added ability to copy application specific settings to a new application.
Modified the logging to always create a log file with some useful information in it.
Added automatic file size management of the log file so it never gets too big.
Added "Enable DEBUG logging" option in the settings dialog (with warning).
Fixed a bug causing buttons to stop working when switching between applications with custom button
actions like "double click" defined.
Modifed the code to use XML configuration files instead of the registry.
Added new Portable mode. In this mode the configuration file (and log) is stored alongside the
executable, ideal for running from a USB stick.
Portable mode is automatically enabled if the application is not in the install location under \program files
It is also enabled if the /portable command line switch is specified.
Version 1.40:
Fixed some bugs that could cause crashes under certain circumstances.
Fixed the "Wheel scrolls in pages instead of lines"
Added "hidden" registry option to enable enable configuration of the 6th mouse button on an "Office Mouse".
NOTE: If you want to try this, PM me on the Highrez forums or email me at Phil@Highrez.co.uk.
for details and instructions. This mode disables TILT support as these mice do not have tilt wheels.
Version 1.39.3:
Fixed some more installer issues with the C++ runtimes.
Version 1.39.2:
Fixed some installer issues with the C++ runtimes.
Version 1.39.1: (Changes effect only Vista and later OS's)
Removed the task scheduler changes - they didnt work in many situations.
Added the server launcher to start elevated if the used has the required admin acocunt.
Version 1.39:
Changed the GUI layout to allow changes to be made more easily in the future.
Modified the installer to add a scheduled task on Vista and later to run with elevated privileges
Updated the source to use Visual Studio 2008 and its runtimes.
Version 1.38:
Internal build to test wheel tilt options.
Version 1.37:
Fixed a bug with the auto-repeat of simulated keys where the auto-repeat option never got applied.
Fixed a related bug in the new simulated key code which caused keys to get "stuck" repeating the
Changed the default option on upgrade for invert mouse scrolling to FALSE.
Modified the settings dialog to prevent you adding a duplicate applicaiton executable.
Version 1.36:
Fixed a bug introduced in 1.35 which broke some simulated keystrokes.
Changed the layout of the simulated keystrokes dialog.
Added auto repeat option for simulated keystrokes. When enable the keystroke(s) are repeated while the mouse
button is held down.
Added auto-repeat for the Mouse Wheel Scroll Down/Mouse Wheel Scroll Up options.
Added Invert mouse wheel scrolling option (that is configurable for specific applications or globally).
Version 1.35:
Fixed a bug with send keystrokes not working for characters req using a SHIFT key to be down
Fixed broken LockWorkstation function (In Vista sending LWIN+L does not work for some reason!)
Version 1.34:
Fixed bug that sometimes caused buttons to lock is Application Specific mode is used.
Added check boxes to the applications list allowing you to enable/disable each custom application.
Version 1.33:
Added {WAIT<n>} option in simulated key strokes (where N = number of seconds to wait).
Added 'Left/Right/Middle Click-Drag [Sticky Button]' feature to allow the forst button
press to be treated as DOWN only and the second press to be treated as UP only. Therefore,
press once to start drag and againto stop.
Version 1.32:
Internal code changes and tidy up.
No new features.
Version 1.31:
Added ability to swap 4th and 5th (X) buttons when running under a remote desktop (or terminal service) session.
Added Show Sidebar *Vista & Later* action to show the Vista sidebar.
Added {SPACE} option to the simulated keystrokes, as requested by several people on the forums.
Added About dialog.
Version 1.30:
Added fix for FooBar 2000 Media player which caused a wierd problem where the mouse buttons could stop working!
Version 1.29.1:
Fixed a few Setup GUI bugs introduced in 1.29 due to new checkboxes.
Version 1.29:
Added ability to bypass disabled or all buttons if scroll lock is turned on.
Added PRINT SCREEN and PRINT ACTIVE WINDOW actions and {PRTSCN} to the custom key dialog.
Version 1.28:
Added Flip3D support and Alt-Tab support (Vista Only). Added ability to use
mouse buttons in "simulated keystroke" option using
{LMB} - Left mouse button
{RMB} - Right mouse button
{MMB} - Middle mouse button
{XMB1} - First X mouse button (4th button)
{XMB2} - Second X mouse button (5th button)
Version 1.27.2:
Special (32bit only) 6 button version for Typhoon Optical OfficeMouse.
Version 1.27.1:
Fixed the version number which, in V1.27 still said 1.26!!
Version 1.27:
Added support for simulating the numeric keypad keys using
{NUM<0..9>}, {NUM-}, {NUM+}, {NUM*}, {NUM/}, {NUM.}
NOTE: I have been ubale so far to simulate the enter key but you can try {NUME}
- it may work for you!
Version 1.26.1:
Special (32bit only) 6 button version for Typhoon Optical OfficeMouse.
Version 1.26:
Fixed incompatibility with third party shell's (ie. geOShell).
Version 1.25:
Added the ability to always hide the tray icon.
Ensured only ONE instance can run at any time.
Added the following optional command line options to invoke the application:
/? - Help
/ShowIcon - Show the icon (does not change default setting in setup screen)
/HideIcon - Hide the icon (does not change default setting in setup screen)
/Setup - Show the setup screen
/SaveIcons - Save the desktop icons (same as context menu option on tray icon)
/RestoreIcons - Save the desktop icons (same as context menu option on tray icon)
Version 1.24:
Added Mouse Wheel Scroll Up/Down to simulate the user scrolling the mouse wheel - when a button is pressed.
Version 1.23:
Improved text and description of the send keystroke configuration dialog.
Version 1.22:
Fixed crash when sending keystrokes - thats what happens after a re-write and not enough testing :(
Version 1.21:
Re-written the hook DLL to make it smaller and faster and not use MFC :)
Fixed some bugs in the custom keystroke option (especially when switching windows with custom {ALT}{TAB}
Reduced the installation size quite a bit.
Version 1.20:
Yes, I know its a jumpin version numbers. This is primarily because I made several changes to get v1.17 working,
and I have upgraded the development environment to Visual Studio 2005, therefore using new C++ and MFC runtimes.
Version 1.17:
Fixed a bug causing the Application to close when configuring the "Close (Alt-F4)" option!
Fixed a compatibility issue in the 32bit version which meant it didnt run on Windows 2000.
Version 1.16:
Fixed a bug causing the Application specific checkbox to be under the frame (since v1.14)
Fixed a bug which left the popup menu hanging around when it wasnt wanted!
Version 1.5:
Added - 32Bit version - because its provides more functionallity than MS's IntelliPoint 5.x software and I still use dual boot!
Fixed - Sending some extended keys didnt work if MS keyboard software is installed. This was aparent in 32bit but not 64bit.
Fixed - Occasioanl crash when pressing the left mouse button!
Version 1.4:
Fixed - Sending custom keystrokes to DirectX application (ie games) didn't work
Fixed - All actions now work as expected
Fixed - Enabled customisation of LEFT and RIGHT buttons. Beware, this overrides any swap buttons stuff you may have set.
Added - Extra Actions
Lock Workstation, Open Windows Explorer, Open RUN Command, Restore Window,
Escape, Open Help, Open Search, Open Web Browser, Browser Stop, Browser Refresh, Browser Favorites
Known Issues - Registry entries are not removed if a applicaiton specific settings are removed.
- Simulated Keystrokes can only be set to what can be typed into the edit box (no scripting yet)
Version 1.3:
Fixed - Remeber if application specific settings is selected and use it properly.
Fixed - Proper recognition of active process to determine which action should be taken.
Fixed - Crash when removing from list of specific applications.
Known Issues - Registry entries are not removed if a applicaiton specific settings are removed.
- Simulated Keystrokes can only be set to what can be typed into the edit box (no scripting yet)
- Several actions are not currently working. These are:
Any "normal" mouse actions - click, right click, double click etc
Next Window (limited functionality - switches next active window aka ALT+TAB rather than cycles them all)
Version 1.2:
Added - "Simulate Keystrokes" action to send specific keys to the active applicaiton
Version 1.1:
Fixed - Removed requirements on Visual Studio 2005
Fixed - XP Style interface now working properly!
Version 1.0;
Initial release - Only compatible with x64 systems that have Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 installed (oops!)